by John Freund, CM | Jul 13, 2009 | Justice and Peace, Vincentian Family
A number of religious groups, including the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, have been told to leave Nepal or face dire consequences from the Hindu group that claimed responsibility for the bombing of Assumption Church in Kathmandu in May according to Bishop Anthony...
by John Freund, CM | Jul 11, 2009 | Church, Justice and Peace, Poverty: Analysis and Responses
Education for Justice has produced a very useful map or outline of the pope’s recent encyclical. Caritas in Veritate (pdf). See also John Allen’s shorter list of the some of the key points…Pope proposes a Christ humanism… Benedict says the...
by John Freund, CM | Jul 9, 2009 | Justice and Peace, Poverty: Analysis and Responses
Nicholas Kristof asks “why we’re so willing to try to assist a stranger before us, while so unwilling to donate to try to save strangers from malaria half a world away. One of the reasons, I believe, is that humanitarians are abjectly ineffective at selling...
by John Freund, CM | Jul 6, 2009 | Justice and Peace, Vincentian Family
Fr. George Varakulam C.M. provides an update on several of his earlier reports (1), (2), (3) on the religious violence in India Kandhamal Today- an Overview Fr. George Varakulam C.M Kandhamal hills are cooler with a few rains. Much of the dust on the hill tracts are...
by John Freund, CM | Jul 5, 2009 | Featured, Formation, Justice and Peace, Systemic change
I connected the dots after I spent 15 minutes “wasting time” creating the cartoon below with a free online program. I had been wondering about this weeks’ Systemic Change feature so I did this quick 3 pane adaptation of an insight Vincent used. The...
by John Freund, CM | Jul 4, 2009 | Daughters of Charity, Justice and Peace, Poverty: Analysis and Responses, Vincentian Family
This video from Chicago TV puts a face on the faceless threatened by budget cuts. “Marillac House: State Cuts Could Wipe Out A Program That’s Helped Generations” See related story.