100 percent to charityHow many can say 100% goes to intended charity? The Daughters of Charity International Project Services can!

The graphic says it all. And 18,000 sisters serve in 94 countries in the world.

Daughters of Charity International Project Services was established to help the Sisters in developing countries to carry out their mission of service to those who are poor.  DCIPS facilitates international funding and other resources, and develops relationships that support Daughter of Charity projects that minimize human suffering and foster sustainable solutions to global poverty at the local level.

DC IPC site
As of October 2014, the number of projects DCIPS has successfully facilitated:
679 projects in 57 countries

About three quarters of the 94 countries served by the Daughters of Charity are poverty-stricken; countries with vast needs but severely lacking resources. Development and improvements often depend on outside financial support. Daughters of Charity International Project Services is a nonprofit service organization that helps sisters working in developing countries to obtain funds and resources needed for local projects. These diverse works meet basic needs, develop education, improve health, or deliver social services. The needs are priorities identified by the people and the Sisters living and working at the local level. DCIPS was established in 2004 and became fully operational in 2006.

100% of all donations goes directly to the projects and services that help those who are poor, vulnerable, marginalized or sick. Help make a difference today … go to HELP & GIVE!

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