The Superior General begins his Advent letter focusing on prayer, peace and the poor. “The season of Advent is upon us, a time ripe for reflection on the mysteries of our faith. The Scriptures, stories, and hymns of Advent call us to embrace prayer, to seek the peace of Christ, and to open our hearts and hands to serve God’s chosen and our “lords and masters”, the poor.”
“…that celebration of St. Vincent’s feast day has remained with me. I felt the Lord calling me as Superior General to reflect on how to better integrate prayer, peace, and service to the poor in my own life. I gained insight into times when I had failed to be a man of peace, prayerfulness, or service to the poor. I asked the Lord for the grace of forgiveness. I gave voice to this at the shelter, and I willingly share it with you as we embark on this Advent together.”
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