Day Three of the Systemic change commission’s visit to Ukraine commenced with a wonderful Holy Eucharist, with the homily delivered by Fr Giuseppe Turati. The singing was beautiful and set us up with a very good start to the day.

After breakfast Fr Turati presented on the ‘Ten seeds of systemic change in the life of St Vincent’, followed by a very engaging group feedback on what people considered the seed that touched them most. There was a real energy in the room to go and do more, recognising that even if we start small and work together we can make great progress in supporting the poor to transform their lives.

Jim Claffey then presented  the ten essential tools for formaters to encourage people to take away key tools that can support them when they return to their place of work.

We finished the day by presenting each person with a memory stick with the toolkit for systemic change translated into Russian for each person to take home with them and to use to be multipliers and share the tools of systemic change with others.

We all left for home, encouraged by the three days together and we were greeted by the snow which had just arrived as we left!