Ever try to imagine a scene from the gospel on Sunday? For those who are visually oriented and strongly believe that a picture is worth a thousand words here is a resource for visual meditation materials for praying the liturgy – the Biblical Art Concordance from the amazing TheTextThisWeek website. The Text This Week gathers so much material useful to understanding the Sunday readings. But more about its other resources some other time.
From the site…
Welcome to The Text This Week‘s new artwork concordance. So far you will find links to artwork indexed according to Biblical/Liturgical subjects. As the work progresses I would like to add links to artwork which may not portray strictly Biblical subjects, but which expresses Biblical/spiritual themes. (See the Movie Concordance.) I would appreciate any/allsuggestions for these lists! Even if you don’t know if a link exists, send the name of the work and artist, and I’ll search for a link.
Please check the copyright pages at the linked sites for copyright information should you decide to reproduce any of these images in any form.
Themes are listed alphabetically on the following pages:
- Artwork Themes Aaron to Dreams
- Artwork Themes Easter to Ishmael
- Artwork Themes Jacob to Mustard Seed
- Artwork Themes Nahum to Ruth
- Artwork Themes Salome to Zechariah
Index by Scriptural text: (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)
Index by Lectionary Date can be found on weekly lectionary pages for:
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