Lynn-4-14Examining our Hearts – A Dome of Prayer – You are the Gospel – Ozanam
Themes from Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast Tuesday June 24, 2014

Dear Vincentian Family:  We welcome so many new Vincentians joining our team to pray for one another as a part of our great Vincentian Family around the world.  I thought I would give a short info on why the prayer was started.  It was a challenge from my parish priest. Fr. Julian Studden who reminded me to pray and fast if we really wanted things to be done in our work, we had to include God.  We were trying to get a housing project off the ground and we started the Tuesday prayer, Tuesday became our miracle days as 3 of us started the prayer and others joined in from other faiths.  More wanted to join and so I created a prayer book and we prayed for every level of the Society around the world which led to the reflection I now send out.  We kept the title.  I rarely talk about fasting, I leave this to you, however if I do talk about fast it is generally from what hurts others or yourself.  .  Always pray for our clergy and especially Pope Francis as he is under attack and all our Vincentian brothers and sisters.  God be with you all.  Amen! Alleluia!

Examining our Hearts – This is my form of fasting.  Looking at the heart and getting rid of the junk.  It is easy to feel good and common to compare yourself with others.  You can say, “I’m not bad, I don’t steal, I am not a murderer, so I’m not bad!”  However when you judge, gossip and criticize, you are filling your heart with these things.  You should aim a little higher and focus on things to make your heart soar.  . Before we go to those who need us, examine our hearts.  Do we need a transplant or perhaps a little massage?  What do we need to cut out to be totally present to Christ who is asking for our help and our love?  When people notice a difference by your presence, you are on the right track.  Being Christian and pure of heart is putting others first and knowing their needs and pain and being present to them.  When you do this you are on the right track.

A Dome of Prayer – Prayer, as one of its oldest definitions puts it, is “lifting mind and heart to God.”  That sounds simple but it is hard to do.  Why? (Fr. Ron Rolheiser OMI)  Often our prayer is routine; day after day saying the same things and sometimes becoming distracted.  Keep yourself in the zone under the dome of the Holy Spirit.  Be present to God and add some zest and excitement to your prayer.  Feel the presence of God.  He is with you.  When we pray only occasionally, we may feel some deep emotions and a “WOW” experience.  Praying every day may bring a little excitement; however, we are just talking to God and we perhaps are bored.  We have this temptation to look at the clock to see if our time is up.  One thing I’ve learned is, praying constantly even a one second, “Hello” throughout the day and day by day brings us closer to God and we develop a deep bond and a perfect friendship.  He is always there and we know and feel it.

You are the Gospel – St Vincent took the Gospel to the street.  Frederic Ozanam took the Gospel to the street.  Pope Francis today is challenging all of us for the need to take the gospel to the street.  As Vincentians we approach those in need with love and charity.  We go to them and our hearts are to be pure and free from anger, hate or disgust.  We must become the courageous Christian bringing the Gospel to all those God places before us.  We visit Christ in the homes or prison, bringing hope, the staples and our love – the love of Christ.  We bring the Gospel, a willing ear and a courageous heart. Think about the train or vehicle going through and tunnel and it is dark, do you jump out?  You are sometimes a little fearful going on a visit, it becomes our tunnel.  You have to trust your driver, our drivers are the Trinity. Trust in Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  They will keep you on track and dispel the darkness.  We are never alone.

Ozanam – I thought about this at our National gathering in Edmonton, Canada.  Ed Keane (VP ICG)  informed us of the latest cause for Ozanam.  I have been quite ill with pain since January.  I was getting ready for meetings and workshops for the National meetings and was in severe pain.  I started praying to St. Vincent de Paul and a picture of Ozanam came to my mind.  So, I started praying to Frederic and a picture and memory of a man who was trying to start the Society in Edmonton by himself came to mind.  He told me of his cancer and having only a few months to live.  He prayed and was healed and saw the Society form in Edmonton. I always loved his story and his love of Frederic.  I began praying fervently and asked for one thing, “Remove my pain so I can finish my work.” Within 15 minutes my pain left and only returned yesterday.  I thought Frederic was playing with me, so I prayed, “I like the pain free better!”  It is now tolerable.  Thanks be to God, Frederic, St. Vincent and all those praying.  I’m writing this, pre hospital.  I will keep you informed.



Lynn L’Heureux is Special needs co-coordinator & Advisor of the Society of St Vincent de Paul Calgary Alberta Canada.

Her newsletter is translated into 3 languages, hopefully soon to be 4. They have a group which brings the prayer into China and it is translated into Mandarin and other Chinese dialects.

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