Trinity – Saved – Life is a Mystery – Mary Comfort Us
Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast June 17, 2014
Dear Vincentian Family, we come together as a family to serve, to worship and to love one another and to see Christ in each other. We are servants and we do the job willingly. The Trinity is with us. Father, Son and Holy Spirit, teach us how to live as you live, drawing ever deeper into our relationships with each other and with you. When we feel lost, remind us we cannot escape your love. When we are overwhelmed with joy, fill us with gratitude that our gifts have come from you. Amen.
Trinity- Father: The Father of us all. “The LORD, the LORD, a merciful and gracious God, slow to anger and rich in kindness and fidelity.” (Exodus 34: 7) Many of those we serve have trouble seeing God as a loving Father. Many fathers have been abusive to those we see in troubled situations. It takes time to realize; our Father is the most loving kind and gentle Father and is like no other Father. Even the most perfect father on earth would not come close to the love of our Father, first person of the Trinity.
Son: Jesus came to the earth for our Salvation. Sent by the Father,He came to show us the way, the truth and how to live. Jesus sent to earth truly came for us, so we could live. He took on the pain of death on the cross and obeyed the Father to give us everlasting life, forgiveness of all our sins, over and over again. He came to teach and show us how to treat others. Our Canadian National Meeting which just ended introduced us to the theme for 2014 – 2015, “Let us be Christ to One Another”. Can we do this? Can we look at the person annoying us and say, “Yes Christ, I hear You and I love You.” Even the bad driver annoying you is Christ and that is a little harder to see, so we must clean our glasses a little more. Christ truly wants us to lead by the example he set and He doesn’t ask us to give our lives, indeed He promises eternal life.
Holy Spirit: I always consider the Holy Spirit to be our helper. He is like the lawyer, getting us out of jams, but lovingly coaching us to do the right thing. The Holy Spirit is the nagging feeling I have when I know how to fix things and make them right, like saying sorry to my husband. He never lets up on this action. He also never lets up on Vincentian work and is a partner on our visits, even before our visits, the Spirit is with us. When I call on the Holy Spirit I feel warmth in my body which I can’t explain. But it is best warm fuzzy ever. Without the Holy Spirit we would be unable to be Christ in today’s world. We would be unable to do what the Father asks us.
Saved: Yes! Each one of us is saved. Saved by the Trinity! The deeds and miracles of Jesus are not actions of the past. Jesus is waiting for those who are still prepared to take risks at his word because they trust his power utterly. Salvation is as simple as forgiving and being forgiven. We have the greatest opportunity to reconcile. Going to confession is coming back in style and should always be a part of our lives. We know we are all sinners and the good news is – We can be saved over and over again. Of course we want to avoid sin and this is our aim, but we have not reached perfection and God understands, so forgiveness is available to just by asking.
Life is a Mystery – We all love mysteries. Life is the greatest mystery of all. Have you ever looked back, it can sometimes be disarming, so look to now. I guess we plan for the future; however God’s plan oversees our plans. He has the best plan for us and we need to sit back and embrace the journey of life with the gifts of the Spirit. You are a gift for all from God. Look in the mirror, you are the beautiful creation and there is no other like you. While you are gazing thank God for this gift of life and say good morning to Him. Don’t compare yourself to others. You are the gift of life, accept the mystery and live in joy. Keep your focus on God. Live in the spirit of perfection God has called you to. We are servants and as servants we minister to all God places before us. We are His workers in delivering furniture, feeding the hungry, visiting the prisoners and the sick and listening to their stories. Live the mystery without regrets and joy, because God has created you for what you are doing. Thanks be to God!
Mary Comfort Us – Ask Mary to be with you in your visits to those in need, you know the Son will give to the mother what she asks. Call on Mary often when you are down or confused or frustrated. “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.” (Luke 1:46-47) Jesus is with you and full of joy, grasp the joy required to serve and ask Mary through prayer to give you the fruits of the Spirit, the passion of Christ, and the love and blessings of God. We are preachers and evangelizers and we do this by our life and actions. Pray before you serve to Mary and the Trinity and feel the comfort.