Some Vincentian Trivia on St. John Paul II and St. John XXIII (courtesy of Karl Michael Hila, SVDP International Youth Representative)

On St. John Paul II

– He was a member of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and he was also the one who beatified Bl. Frederic Ozanam during the World Youth Day in Paris 
– An extraordinary relic is being kept by the Daughters of Charity: the shirt that JP2 wore when he was shot at the Vatican (with the bullet holes and the blood stains)

On St. John XXIII

– Sr. Caterina Capitani, a Daughter of Charity, was dying at the age of 18 and the doctors have already removed her stomach, pancreas and spleen. One morning she was found to have a hole in her abdomen of which gastric fluids, blood and the orange juice she had taken were flowing. She was slowly dying. On May 25 1966, Pope (now Saint) John XXIII appeared to her in a dream pressing his hands on her stomach and calling her name. He told her she was cured. And then upon waking up, the hole in her stomach disappeared and she could eat anything even without a stomach and pancreas! She died 4 years ago, 43 years after she was cured!!

*Know some more trivia, share!! 

Pictures of followers of Vincent, Louise, etc with either of these people???