he challenge from Pope Francis is clear. “WAKE UP THE WORLD”
- “The church must be attractive. Wake up the world! Be witnesses of a different way of doing things, acting, living! (Show) it’s possible to live differently in this world.”
- “A charism needs to be “lived according to the place, times and people. The charism is not a bottle of distilled water. It needs to be lived with energy, rereading it culturally, too.”
- “Inculturating a charism, therefore, is fundamental, and this does not mean relativizing it. We must not make a charism rigid and uniform. When we make our cultures uniform, then we kill the charism.”
All of the above quotes of Pope Francis offer an invitation for all the followers of Vincent and Louise to understand the prophetic dimension of follower Christ the Evangelizer of the poor”. Pope John Paul II challenged us to explore “underlying causes and long-term solutions to poverty” and to serve as a “Voice of the Poor”.
This week’s edition of Saturday Study Hall points to articles in the Vincentian Encyclopedia that take us to a deeper level of understanding living differently in this world.
There is certainly more than enough material for a couple of Saturdays. Feel free to explore just some of the sections.