eVincentianA Mindful Presence Lenten Reflection by Fr. Derek Swanson, C.M. (eVincentian Newsletter)

The other day, I was riding a commuter train and noticed that all of my fellow passengers were focused on using their smart phones, iPads, laptops, or other electronic devices. No one appeared to be interacting, intentionally or unintentionally, with others around them. It struck me that as our technology advances, we sometimes become less relational with others; we create a silent, self-centered space around us – not to be broached.Lent encourages us to become more relational in our lives. During this season we are invited by God to allow the outside world to penetrate the silent sphere of our personal space and come face to face with the reality of who we are as people of God. Then we will be ready to ‘repent and believe’ and listen to the voice of God.  It is through our interaction with others and with the world that we are able to hear the voice of God and see where God may be guiding us.

First, we must be present and listen attentively to the voice of God speaking in our midst. As Vincentian family members we are called to help the most poor and abandoned in the world. During Lent it is good to reflect on whether we make ourselves available to God in others and listen attentively. How can we become better at recognizing God in front of us and open our ears to hear God?

May we take time this Lenten season to ‘unplug’ from our mobile devices and the busyness of our lives, and become more present to God in our midst, especially in the lives of the most abandoned and poor.
