We as Ladies of Charity can play a role as a “Lady Lawyer of Charity” pledging to take one pro bono case a year.
From Summer 2012 issue of Servicette-Summer-2012 (pdf)
- As Catholics, we’re called to share our time, talents and treasures with the church and our brothers and sisters.
- As Ladies of Charity, we follow in the footsteps of St. Vincent de Paul and dedicate ourselves to the needs of people living in poverty.
- As attorneys, we dedicate ourselves to serving justice in the representation of the individual client. With these three callings in mind, let us begin to advocate through Ladies of Charity to assist the poor in finding appropriate legal representation, and when there is no paid representation, then to serve where we can.
There are two aspects of this mission. The first is to act as a clearing house for established avenues of help. For example, our firm handles New York State No Fault claims for most attorneys in our Western New York area (and across the state, too). For people without attorneys (e.g., one–car accidents), we do make a significant difference for those who are wrongfully denied lost wages, medical reimbursements or payments.
Frequently, those who have been helped have come into our office with tears of joy and later came back relieved that they will not be evicted and can now pay their bills, etc.
The second aspect of this mission is for cases where there is no established representation source available. We as Ladies of Charity can play a role as a “Lady Lawyer of Charity” pledging to take one pro bono case a year. If you are an attorney and interested, please contact Jeanne M. Vinal to help in this exciting project. ✟
Jeanne M. Vinal
Vinal & Vinal
193 Delaware Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14202
(716) 832–5900
(716) 832–6735 fax