The CGI Board at its meeting on 6 September 2011 has approved the following VISION and MISSION statements of CGI. Those countries that have their own
Vision and Mission statements are complementary to that of CGI’s and those without may consider to use that of CGI’s.
As a Catholic lay organisation, we will embrace the world in a network of charity, serving Christ in the suffering, poor or marginalised, bringing them love and respect, aid and development, hope and joy, in a more just society.
We also seek to deepen our spirituality and the mutual love and support amongst members, so that, seeing how we serve those in need with one mind and heart, people are attracted to the Society and to Christ who animates it.
Our mission, inspired by the Radiant Flame of Christ’s Love, is to grow spiritually through seeking and finding individuals and families who are forgotten, suffering or deprived and through personal contact, to offer practical help to anyone in need. We share their burdens and joys as true friends, sowing seeds of hope, encouraging self-sufficiency and respecting their values and beliefs.
As a reflection of the whole family of God, we do this as men and women drawn from every ethnic and cultural background, age group, and economic level, working together in local Conferences to serve Christ in the poor, to grow spiritually and to support one another.
Members are closely united as one worldwide family, nourished by prayer and reflection, faithful to a Rule and Statutes reflecting the traditions of our principal founder, Blessed Frederic Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul.
We also seek to identify the causes of poverty and work with the Vincentian family, the Catholic Church, other Christians and all people of good will, to shape a more just and compassionate society, which promotes the rights, responsibilities and development of all people, a culture of life and a civilization of love reflecting the Kingdom of God.
Let us unite in prayers in Vincentian solidarity and seek the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit to guide us in our mission and vocation in our apostolate.
In our Blessed Mother Mary, St. Vincent and Blessed Frederic, we pray. God bless you all.
Yours fraternally in the service of Christ.
Dr. Michael Thio, D.H
President General
Paris, France