Michael Thio, President General of the International St Vincent de Paul Society, writes to the Society in Japan – We are very touched and encouraged by your report of 25 August 2011 and for the excellent work the Society in Japan is doing for the victims and their families. Moreover, we are very pleased to note that you are supporting and co-operating with the Daughters of Charity of the Vincentian Family and with The Japan Catholic Medical Association too. This fits in very well with some of the objectives of the Council General International Strategic Plan in collaborating with other branches of the Vincentian Family and other Catholic organizations in our works of Charity in rendering assistance to those in need. We encourage such collaboration so that we can reach out to more people with a combined force and bring help and hope to many. [Read More] Hat tip to TIm Williams, CM for posting this on the Australian CM site.
SVDP President expresses gratitude for the SVDP and Family efforts in Japan.
by John Freund, CM | Sep 3, 2011 | Daughters of Charity, Vincentian Family