BEACONS OF LIGHT 2010, spotlighting the work of the Vincent de Paul Society (Baton Rouge) , Program 5 will focus on the value “small talk” as a means to bringing people to Christ. SVDP member Harold Miller shares his insights. “Who brought you to Christ and how?” is a natural question for further reflection. Click Read More…

This in turn raises the  question of how do you bring people to Christ?

Beacons of Light 2010, Program 5  premieres on CLTV (COX 15, Baton Rouge, LA) Sunday, September 12 at 3:00 PM. It will air several times over the next two weeks at the following times: Monday 7:00pm Tuesday 1:00pm Wednesday 9:00pm Saturday 8:00pm.

See also

Evangelizing the Poor – Reflection 8 on the occasion of the 350th anniversary

…Consequently, we are able to affirm that the missionary way of Saint Vincent in evangelizing the poor was:
See. Be a good observer by seeing how society treats the poor and paying attention to the conditions of their lives.   Christ in the poor.
Judge. Think how these conditions might change, asking ourselves why and what are possible projects.  Christ for the poor.
Be compassionate. Have compassion for our brothers and sisters, uniting ourselves with them where they are.  Christ with the poor.
Act. Put our hands to work, being Good Samaritans and healing the wounds of the people.  Christ loves the poor…

To be Vincentian means

that one embraces the charism of Vincent de Paul and his preferential option for the poor. The term describes women and men, the young and the wise, clergy and laity, individuals vowed and not-vowed.

Being Vincentian revolves around living out a commitment to evangelization and charity in the tradition of Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac. Vincentian women and men live out the charism, rooted in Saint Vincent de Paul and Saint Louise de Marillac, through many apostolic institutes, lay associations and organizations throughout the world.

CM Catholic Home Study Course – Evangelization for Today.

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