On June 20, 1647, St. Vincent cried out very spontaneously at a meeting of the General Council of the Daughters of Charity: “Oh, my God, how necessary it is to have great communication with one another. To share everything. There is nothing more necessary. That is what binds hearts together” (SV XIII, 641).

With this inspiration VirtualVins.net has now morphed into VirtualVins.org a full-blown communications hub with many of the features of Facebook. (We also hope without the privacy concerns associated with Facebook.) You will have the opportunity to connect with the people who matter to you as you serve those in need. according to your needs it will provide for various levels of secure video-conferencing.

We hope VirtualVins will help those of us who have ever wanted to

  • Hold small meetings online
  • Share with others who are passionate about the same work as you are
  • Understand the fuss about Twitter, Facebook, etc.

VirtualVins is a community dedicated to connecting people in discussion about matters that are important to the Vincentian Family, in support of our ministry to love and serve people living in poverty.

It will also serve as a place to not only learn “about”  social media but also how to use these tools that are revolutionizing how we interact in our daily lives.

Can you imagine the network created by the man who wrote 30,000 letters!

Taste and see!