Vinnies SVDP National Council Chief Executive, Dr John Falzon. writes in Eureka Street (Australia) that preventing homelessness is a justice issue that requires political will.
“The founder of the St Vincent de Paul Society, 19th century French activist academic, Frederic Ozanam, wrote: ‘Charity is the Samaritan who pours oil on the wounds of the traveller who has been attacked. It is the role of justice to prevent the attack.’
“We would be poorer as a nation without the outpouring of human kindness through charities. But the prevention of homelessness should be seen as a matter of justice, and for that charity is no substitute.”
I agree wholeheartedly with Dr. Falzon that homelessness is a a justice issue that requires political will. Unfortunately far too many politicians worldwide, in their desire to remain in the political arena to enjoy the ‘status’ and the benefits that accompany positions of power,lack that conviction which will compel them to engage in serious deliberations surrounding issues related to justice: justice for the marginalized, the destitute who have no voices and who seem to have no one in their corner. It’s time for politicians to wake up and meaningfully address the root causes of the numerous social ills prevalent in societies.
Justice in the realm of faith is ultimately about love. Are we as believers creating the space where homelessness is seen as a reflection upon our, as believers, collective (political if you will) lack of will to respond to the need from the point of entering the cross when it means readjusting our own use of resources?