Yasmine Cajuste, Coordinator for Vincentian Youth Gathering 2011, invites all to the Vincentian Youth Gathering (August 12-15, 2011) which  will take place before the celebration of World Youth Day in Madrid (August 16-21, 2011) and provides a pre-registration form.

Madrid, April 26, 2010

To those responsible for the distinct branches of the Vincentian Family

Through your presence show the world that you are Vincentian!

Dear friends,

As we continue our preparations for the Vincentian Youth Gathering (August 12-15, 2011) which as you know will take place before the celebration of World Youth Day in Madrid (August 16-21, 2011) we wish to communicate with you and send you a pre-registration form for both events.

This pre-registration form should be filled out by each group that plans to participate and a contact person should be named so that the Commission is able to communicate with your group.  It is important that you complete the form and provide all the information that is asked for and return this form by July 1, 2010 (either by e-mail, regular mail or fax).  Keep in mind that completing this form does not in any way commit you to these events.  This is simply a way of providing us with some idea about the possible number of people who might participate in these events and thus help us in our efforts to organize these events.  These events will occur very soon (in one year) and for this reason we ask you to make this small effort in assisting us.

We remind you that the members of the Commission are at your disposal to clarify any questions.  You can write them at the following address: jmj2011fv@gmail.com 
We hope that this international experience will benefit all young people.

The Preparatory Commission of the Meeting of Vincentian youth, Madrid-2011


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