Blessed Marta Wiecka, D.C.To celebrate the first anniversary of the beatification of Sr. Marta Anna Wiecka DC, the Daughters of Charity prepared an all-night vigil at Jasna Góra Shrine in Czestochowa, Poland, on 24th -25th May 2009. As a result of volunteering to take the place of someone assigned to disinfect a patient’s room she contracted Typhoid and died.
While working at Sniatyn, Sister Wiecka learned that a hospital worker who was a young father had been given the job of disinfecting the room of someone sick with highly contagious typhoid fever. She volunteered to take the place of the young man and subsequently became ill with typhoid fever. The many prayers offered for her recovery included those at a special service held in a local synagogue. After a brief course of illness, she died on May 30, 1904 at the age of thirty. Her funeral was an occasion of grief shown by people of many religions — Catholic, Greek Catholic, and Orthodox – and those who professed no religion at all.

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