The SVDP is pleased to launch a booklet entitled Spend Less, Live Well � A Guide to Affordable Living in Refugee Week. The booklet contains useful information about living within a budget and shopping. It has been prepared specifically for migrants and refugees, trying to impart some of those useful household tips to those newly-arrived in Australia.

Refugees can be particularly vulnerable to those �deals�, which appear too good to be true.
The booklet explains the true cost of hire purchase and the pitfalls of �interest free� terms.
This is important information which provides shopping advice to people in the community, in particular, to refugees.
The booklet, developed by St Vincent de Paul Society staff and volunteers, will be launched at the Lewisham office at 11am on 10/28.

It is also available on the internet � on the Society�s page ( It is easy to read, with bright, cheerful illustrations and is colour-coded for easy navigation through the various chapters.

A team of Vinnies volunteers will deliver the booklet to migrant and refugee families and individuals through home visitation.
These volunteers will take refugees through the booklet step-by-step which will assist them in settling into the Australian community.

On the occasion of Refugee Week I would like to mention that the Society also celebrates the commencement of a new program which will train and support volunteers who will be matched with refugee families in Coffs Harbour.