The Family
The Vincentian Family, the heritage of Vincent de Paul, Louise de Marillac, Frederic Ozanam, Elizabeth Seton and so many others seeks to coordinate its efforts to collaborate for systemic change. In addition to the multilingual digital networks of .famvin, the Vincentian Family Office administers and supports three commissions:
The Vincentian Family Communications Commission
develops and coordinates our internal and external communications strategies in social media, on the web, in the press, and other communications vehicles..
Vincentian Family Homeless Alliance
A commission that concentrates on ‘charity’, with a focus on homelessness

Vincentian Family Formation Commission
A commission that concentrates on the ‘mission’, with a focus on formation
Read more about us: who we are and why we serve!
- THE BRANCHES of the Vincentian Family, both lay and religious.
- Who We Are and What We Do: our mission and purpose as a spiritual family dedicated to the preaching of the Gospel in the world of the impoverished.