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Youth/Young Adults

Seek 2024 – Catholic College Conference

During the conference, we were able to attend workshops and keynotes, as well as helped at the SVDP booth. We were blessed with this unique experience of sharing our faith with over 20,000 people.

Successful Strategies to Engage Black Catholic Young Adults

Recently there was a webinar discussing Black Catholic Young Adults presented by Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary, Archdiocese of New Orleans, Loyola Institute for Ministry, and Saint Peter Claver Foundation. 

Recap: North American Vincentian Family Gathering 2023

I attended the North American Vincentian Family Gathering at De Paul University, Chicago, IL this fall as a young adult delegate for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

SVDP-USA Youth & Young Adult National Assembly

Vincentian Youth and Young adults update us on the National Assembly held in St. Louis, MO.

Saint Vincent de Paul Young Adult Center

Saint Vincent de Paul Young Adult Center

The St. Vincent de Paul Young Adult Center, located in the Germantown section of Philadelphia (USA), provides unique educational service trips following the examples of St. Vincent de Paul and St. Louise de Marillac. Their aim is to allow students to have an...

New Youth Task Force Meets in Philadelphia

New Youth Task Force Meets in Philadelphia

The new Youth Task Force of the Vincentian Family identified four key components of their mission, around which they began to create a shared language: direct service/relationship with those living in poverty; inspired by and appreciative of the love of God; universally inclusive; and charity and justice.