Formation: systemic change analysis

Collective Impact in Systemic Change

by Mike Clark Is there an impact -- a collective impact - -that can be demonstrated in a systemic change initiative? The call to action for this year of Vincentian collaboration is “together in Christ, we Vincentians make a difference.” I believe we do make a...

Asking important questions

In his weekly column to the members of the Vincent de Paul Society, CEO Dave Barringer has a habit of asking important questions. This week is no exception. The question he asks is something that all branches on the Vincentian Family can ask. Do we sometimes not...

What Do the Poor Need? Try Asking Them

Under the title "What Do the Poor Need? Try Asking Them" David L. Kirp writes in the Sunday Review of a principle that is bedrock for the Vincentian Family approach to systemic change. Invite everyone to the table, especially those most affected! He writes, FOR...

Solving Poverty: A Revolutionary Approach

Systemic change has many names. This article "The Rise of Antipoverty Relational Work" uses terminology, "relational work", not familiar to most in the Vincentian Family, to describe nonprofits revolutionary change in approach to solutions to poverty. Whatever the...

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