SVDP Contemplation

Contemplation: A Boundless Reserve

The rule of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul discourages hoarding money, emphasizing that funds should be used generously for current needs without budgeting for the future, trusting in Providence to provide as needed. More important than financial aid, however, is offering companionship, empathy, and love to those in need, as true charity is not limited by material resources.

Contemplation: Our Vincentian Hearts

In his encyclical, Dilexit Nos, Pope Francis focuses on the importance of the heart to the practice of our faith; not merely the physical, biological heart, but the heart which is the core of our being, the union of body and spirit. Not surprisingly, he cites St. Vincent de Paul, who often taught that all God asks of us is our hearts.

Contemplation: Be a Moment for Others

Conversion is a lifelong process of turning our hearts towards God through small moments of grace, often unrecognized at the time, as we both encounter God in others and act as His instruments of love, potentially becoming a moment of conversion for someone else.

Contemplation: A Communion of Vincentians

You cannot be a Vincentian without other Vincentians, for we grow in holiness together.