Sisters of Charity

Treasured Friendships in the Life of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Elizabeth’s friendships energized her and helped to make her the person she was.

July 31: Foundation of the Sisters of Charity by St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Learn more in this video from the Seton Shrine.

Celebrating 150 years of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Mary

May 3, 1871 marks the official founding of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Mary.

St. John’s Bread & Life’s Religious Sisters Bring Power and Faith to Ending Hunger

Anyone who visits St. John’s Bread & Life can tell it’s a well-oiled machine. But what you can’t tell by just looking – is the machine is powered by nuns.

Sharing the ‘yeses’ of religious life

Sharing the ‘yeses’ of religious life

During this National Vocation Awareness Week, I’d have to say that I grew up rather “vocationally unaware,” as, unfortunately, do many Catholics. Although my practicing Catholic parents lovingly brought me up in the faith, and although I attended 16 years of Catholic school, I didn’t deem religious life a viable option until my 20s. Sure, we covered the “Vocations” unit in various religion classes, but there were few experiences that encouraged me to consider that my vocation really could be something besides marriage.