Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth

Students Follow in Vincent’s Footsteps by Serving those in Need

Students from area schools and groups sponsored by the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth participated in ministry projects at their Motherhouse in Convent Station, New Jersey, on Saint Vincent de Paul’s Feast Day.

The Company of Charity in the Community of Earth

The ZOOM series “The Company of Charity in the Community of Earth,” sponsored by the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth and Sisters of Charity of New York has been recorded.

Sisters of Charity “Vincentian Day” Sparks Zeal to Serve Those in Need

Students from nine schools gathered for Vincentian Day at the Motherhouse of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth in Convent Station (NJ) on September 27.

Hope in the Face of Adversity: Nadia and Raoul Update

I am pleased to let you know that Nadia has finished her cancer treatment. She went through chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation with little pain or discomfort.

Hope in the Face of Adversity

Hope in the Face of Adversity

On Wednesday, December 15th, Nadia and Raoul arrived from Haiti. They came to the United States so that Nadia could receive cancer treatments unavailable in Haiti.

Out of Season

Out of Season

At the start of the Easter season this year I was inspired by a reading that emphasized celebrating the 50 days of Easter. Yet as the season has unfolded there has been much more dying and death in my life than resurrection. I find it nearly impossible to continue to...

Rededication of the SVHRC Chapel

Rededication of the SVHRC Chapel

St. Vincent’s Healthcare and Rehab Center (SVHRC), formally St. Vincent’s Nursing Home, a division of St. Joseph's Healthcare System in New Jersey, recently honored the rededication of its Chapel, a special place for residents, visitors, family and staff to pray,...