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Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati

A Guatemala Journal

Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Montiel Rosenthal, MD, is the supervising physician for the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine for their medical mission in the highlands of Guatemala.

Sister Romina professes perpetual vows

Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Romina Sapinoso professed perpetual vows during a Mass in the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception at the Mount St. Joseph Motherhouse.

EarthConnection Webinars Begin January 20

EarthConnection is offering webinars in the coming months on various topics related to the environment and care of the Earth.

Sister Blandina Gardens Dedicated in Trinidad

The people of Trinidad, Colorado celebrated the dedication of the Sister Blandina Wellness Gardens, a community wellness park in tribute to Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Blandina Segale.

Nuns on the Bus

Nuns on the Bus

The “Nuns on the Bus” wrapped up their 27 day tour on November 2 with its closing event, “Fiesta for the Common Good” and a final journey to President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida. This journey, entitled “Tax Justice Truth Tour” hosted 54...

Parish Becomes Intercultural

Parish Becomes Intercultural

4,800 miles. That's how far our Guatemalan parishioners traveled from their villages to get to Cincinnati. Each of those miles meant stepping further away from their families and homeland, and closer to an uncertain future in a strange country. And yet they kept...

Mamas Talk Advent: Waiting, Community

Mamas Talk Advent: Waiting, Community

I'll never forget the moment I first laid eyes on my niece, Lucy. I'd been restlessly following the text-message updates all day, and now I was standing before a few-hours-old baby. I had never seen anything more perfect. What a miracle she was — tiny, exquisitely...