Ross Dizon

Greatest Love for the Neighbor

Jesus, who brings in the kingdom of God, loves us to the end, to the point of giving up his body and shedding his blood.  Such greatest love makes for the kingdom being fully set up.  Jesus is in Jerusalem.  He teaches and answers questions from the wise and learned. ...

Hinder the Plans That God Has For Us

Jesus calls all the little folks, weary and burdened, to give them rest. Their load comes from the wise who seek to hinder them.

Haughty That Are on the Way to Gehenna

Jesus is meek and lowly of heart.  Hence, he wants us to be meek and lowly of heart also, and not at all haughty.  John and the other disciples way well be as jealous for Jesus’ sake as Joshua was for Moses’.  Or they may be so haughty.  Haughty enough to think that...

Eyes and a Heart Directed toward the Poor

Jesus makes clear what it means to have eyes and a heart for those who are poor. Those who follow him are to have eyes and a heart for them also.

Bother Those of Strict Observance

Wanted Very Urgently Indeed: Prophets

Jesus is the definitive answer to the prayers of those who bemoan that there are no prophets.  That is how wanted prophets are. That prophets are that wanted is clear in the lament, “Now we see no signs, we have no prophets.”  We read something like it in Lam 2, 9. ...

Bother Those of Strict Observance

Fulfillment of Jesus Christ to the End

Jesus brings fulfillment to the law and the prophets.  Accordingly, he gives to the Passover meal its full meaning.  To take part in the Eucharist is to share in the fullness of Christ. Jesus and his disciples are pilgrims in Jerusalem.  And they celebrate there the...