Ross Dizon

Hinder the Plans That God Has For Us

Jesus calls all the little folks, weary and burdened, to give them rest. Their load comes from the wise who seek to hinder them.

Haughty That Are on the Way to Gehenna

Jesus is meek and lowly of heart.  Hence, he wants us to be meek and lowly of heart also, and not at all haughty.  John and the other disciples way well be as jealous for Jesus’ sake as Joshua was for Moses’.  Or they may be so haughty.  Haughty enough to think that...

Eyes and a Heart Directed toward the Poor

Jesus makes clear what it means to have eyes and a heart for those who are poor. Those who follow him are to have eyes and a heart for them also.

Ambitions that Are Selfish and Unfettered

Christ on the cross is the last of all and the servant of all.  He puts to shame all those with ambitions to be the first and the greatest.  Like most of us, the disciples of Jesus, for sure, have their ambitions.  After all, they, too, have the right to be better....
Proclaim that Jesus Is the Christ

Sent Ones, Men and Women, of Jesus

As the Father sends him, so Jesus sends his disciples.  These sent ones carry out what their Teacher tells them to do.  By the sheer grace and will of God through Christ, the apostles preach, cast out many demons, and heal the sick. For they do not do so on their own;...

Proclaim that Jesus Is the Christ

Break the Mold with the Prophet Jesus

Jesus, since he is weak, is strong. Those who follow him break the mold, too, as they affirm, “When we are weak, then we are strong.” The folks of Jesus’ hometown do not doubt that he is a wise teacher who does mighty works. Yet there is one thing about him that...

Proclaim that Jesus Is the Christ

Generous to All like Jesus Christ

Jesus is so very generous to all to the end.  Those who believe in him and seek the kingdom of God are generous also to all. Jesus wants us to be generous to all, not just to those we like, who are good or like us. For we are to be like our Father in heaven who is...

Proclaim that Jesus Is the Christ

Sow with Humility, Trust and Courage

Jesus is, in person, what it means to sow is to harvest and the seed that turns into a tree with large branches, so that birds can dwell in its shade. In today’s gospel, Jesus says that the kingdom of God is like the one who goes to sow and gets to harvest. That is to...

Proclaim that Jesus Is the Christ

Advocate, Teach, Remind and Lead

Jesus sends us the Holy Spirit from the Father. This Spirit of truth is upon us to advocate for us who are weak but seek to fulfill our mission. Jesus knows that his disciples need an Advocate to speak up for them and defend them. After all, they show time and again...