Ross Dizon

Greatest Love for the Neighbor

Jesus, who brings in the kingdom of God, loves us to the end, to the point of giving up his body and shedding his blood.  Such greatest love makes for the kingdom being fully set up.  Jesus is in Jerusalem.  He teaches and answers questions from the wise and learned. ...

Hinder the Plans That God Has For Us

Jesus calls all the little folks, weary and burdened, to give them rest. Their load comes from the wise who seek to hinder them.

Haughty That Are on the Way to Gehenna

Jesus is meek and lowly of heart.  Hence, he wants us to be meek and lowly of heart also, and not at all haughty.  John and the other disciples way well be as jealous for Jesus’ sake as Joshua was for Moses’.  Or they may be so haughty.  Haughty enough to think that...

Eyes and a Heart Directed toward the Poor

Jesus makes clear what it means to have eyes and a heart for those who are poor. Those who follow him are to have eyes and a heart for them also.

Foolish and Slow to Believe, and Afraid

Rumors, No; Intimate Knowledge, Yes

Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, the Anointed.  To know and confess him so is to go beyond rumors; it is to live and die like him. There are rumors that Jesus is John the Baptist who is back to life.  Or is Elijah who is expected to come before the Day of the Lord...

Foolish and Slow to Believe, and Afraid

Rise or Fall, Live or Die, Yes or No

Jesus comes down from heaven and dwells among us.  He takes up our flesh of death to give us spirit and life.  He wants us to rise. The Jews were the ones who grumbled before when Jesus said, “I am the bread that came down from heaven.”  Those who grumble now are...

Foolish and Slow to Believe, and Afraid

Perishable, Yet Saving Just the Same

The Word becomes flesh; the imperishable, perishable.  And he shares in our humanity so that we may share in his divinity. Jesus says that he is the bread that came from heaven, which makes the Jews grumble.  They are sure that he is from the same land as they and as...

Foolish and Slow to Believe, and Afraid

Seekers of the Food that Lasts Forever

Jesus is the bread and drink of life.  The seekers who go to him and believe in him will have their fill; they will never hunger or thirst. The crowds know that Jesus did not go in the boat with his disciples.  That is why those who look for him go to the place where...