Vincentian Lay Missionaries MISEVI

MISEVI Colombia On Mission – Bajo Cauca and La Mojana Sucreña

From July 8 – 17, 2023, members of MISEVI Colombia accepted a call to mission among people who live in impoverished areas in parts of Colombia.

Empowered by the Spirit

Today you will read about MISEVI Lebanon’s recent Spiritual Retreat, encouraging and empowering the missionaries for the Vincentian mission.

Grounded in Space

In 1969, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in the United States commissioned a space flight during which Rusty Schweickart left the command module to actually walk in space.

Renewal for Our Call to Misison

On Saturday, April 15, 2023, MISEVI in Latin America joined together with German Sanchez, newly elected leader of FAVILA, to hear inspirational thoughts concerning the call to be lay missionaries. 

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