
The Body and Blood of Christ (Exodus 24:3-8;  Mk 14:22-26)

There are actions that in their very enactment communicate more depth and meaning than the words that surround them.

Experiencing The Spirit’s Descent (Acts 10: 25-48)

When we meet love in our lives, we are experiencing The Spirit.

Setting Out (Acts 9:1-20)

As far as beginnings go, we’d have to look far and wide to find something more dramatic than the one portrayed in chapter 9 of the Acts of the Apostles: Paul knocked over and blinded on that Damascus road.

“First Generation Disciples”(John 10: 14-15)

“Handing on the tradition” is a phrase often connected with matters of faith.

Storing Up (Luke 6:42-45)

Gospel Stretching: Wideness

Gospel Stretching (Mark 6:1-6)  There’s a wideness in God’s mercy, like the wideness of the Sea.  So begins the famous hymn written by Frederick Faber two centuries ago. Freeing and refreshing and life-giving and promising as it sounds, wideness can...

Storing Up (Luke 6:42-45)

Talk, Speech, Deed

Talk, Speech, Deed (1 Cor 2: 1-5) In one of the many commentaries on the quality of the rhetoric in the recent campaign, I came across a distinction I had never thought of – the difference between talk and speech. Talk, whatever comes to you on the spot, or from off...

Storing Up (Luke 6:42-45)

Repenting From Fear to Trust 

       Repenting From Fear to Trust (Matthew 4: 17) In Matthew’s fourth chapter we come across what you might call the very first word in Jesus' very first sermon, Repent! Which means at base “to turn around.” And so the gospel, “From that time on, Jesus began to...

Storing Up (Luke 6:42-45)

A Family Gift: Practical Integrity

A Family Gift: Practical Integrity (Mk 3:1-6) If you were hired as the Public Relations director for the Jerusalem Pharisees and Scribes mentioned in Mark, you wouldn’t want this section of the gospel to get too much circulation. In their confrontations with Jesus,...

Storing Up (Luke 6:42-45)

Heavenly Gaze

A scene setter. You’re out in the cold night fields, keeping close watch over your flock. And suddenly this light is shining at you and all around you. From out of this radiance a voice of an angel sings out news about the infant in swaddling clothes lying in a...

Storing Up (Luke 6:42-45)

Sensing Grace

Sensing Grace (Lk: 1:26-38) The angel Gabriel reveals to Mary that she’s “full of grace.” And so the question, what is this “grace” that Mary is filled with? There are few better answers to be had than the one in the five words that follow. “The Lord is with you!”...

Storing Up (Luke 6:42-45)

Attuned To The Fear of the Lord

Attuned To “The Fear of the Lord” (Isaiah 11:1-5; Lk. 10: 21) In Isaiah’s description of the special one God will send (“A shoot from the stump of Jesse”), he lists a number of qualities this person will have. Wisdom, understanding, strength, and so forth. But one of...

Storing Up (Luke 6:42-45)

Counsel for An Anxious Time

Counsel for An Anxious Time (Lk. 17:20-25) All through Luke’s gospel, the underlying movement is towards Jerusalem. From the beginning that’s where Jesus is heading, and as He gets closer the pace picks up and the tensions rise. This is not only because of the...