With the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary approaching, please enjoy this presentation based on...
Mary the Mother of Jesus
October 17: St. Louise Established Our Lady as the Mother of the Daughters of Charity
by Famvin Media Resources | October 11, 2024 | Formation | 0 Comments
Faced with potential difficulties in obtaining Church approval of the Daughters of Charity, St. Louise undertakes a pilgrimage to Chartres to ask for the help of Our Lady.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and the Blessed Virgin Mary
by Famvin Media Resources | December 29, 2023 | Formation | 0 Comments
New presentation featuring selections from the writings of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton about the Blessed Virgin Mary.
A Vincentian Minute: Praying with Vincent about Mary, the mother of Jesus
by Famvin Media Resources | November 26, 2023 | Formation | 0 Comments
Fr. Rooney reveals the way Vincent prayed, through Vincent’s own words. This week: Mary.
The Miraculous Medal Association and the Vincentian Family
by Famvin Media Resources | November 24, 2023 | Formation, Reflections | 4 Comments
What are the bonds between the Miraculous Medal and the Vincentian Family? Slideshare presentation with reflection questions to share with your group.
Anecdotes of the Vincentian Family: Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal and the flag of the European Union
by .famvin | Aug 5, 2023 | Formation
In 1949, a design competition for a common flag was convened in Strasbourg. Many sketches, 101 in total, were...
Mary At the Foot of the Cross: A Vincentian Lenten Reflection
by Famvin Media Resources | Mar 17, 2023 | Formation
Mary shows the path a model disciple should follow: ponder, meditate, treasure in the heart, hold and transform tension.
Mary, Our Model for Prayer and Action
by Famvin Media Resources | Dec 6, 2020 | Association of the Miraculous Medal, Formation
In this reflection by Andrés Pato, CM, we see Mary as the model of who we should be, and of what we should do.
Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal (Video)
by Famvin Media Resources | Nov 27, 2020 | Association of the Miraculous Medal, Formation
Short video “Mary is the Bridge” celebrating the 190th Anniversary of the Miraculous Medal (1830-2020).
Forgotten Truths About Mary the Mother of God
by John Freund, CM | Nov 25, 2020 | Reflections
Viewing Mary not just in that one marvelous moment of the Annunciation but in the context of a lifetime of discipleship.
The Message of the Miraculous Medal: “Come to the altar”… Live the Eucharist!
by Famvin Media Resources | Nov 22, 2020 | Association of the Miraculous Medal, Formation
A reflection on how Mary motivates us to encounter her Son in the Eucharist and then, filled with God’s grace, to go out and act concretely.
From “Thanks” to “Giving” – An Ancient Tradition
by John Freund, CM | Nov 20, 2020 | Formation, Reflections
The tradition of “thanksgiving” is not new. It has deep roots in the Old Testament and especially the New Testament. The Last Supper was a celebration of thanks but it was also a call to giving.
On St. Louise de Marillac and Our Blessed Mother
by Famvin Media Resources | Aug 16, 2020 | Formation
“Every aspect of Mary’s life became a subject of prayer for Louise.”
St. Louise Established Our Lady as the Mother of the Company of the Daughters of Charity
by .famvin | Aug 14, 2020 | Formation
Faced with potential difficulties in obtaining Church approval of the Daughters of Charity, St. Louise undertakes a pilgrimage to Chartres to ask for the help of Our Lady.
Reflection on the Apparitions of Mary to St. Catherine Labouré
by Famvin Media Resources | Jul 12, 2020 | Formation
Fr. Frank Sacks, CM, shares a reflection on the Three Apparitions of Mary to St. Catherine Labouré as depicted in the art of the Miraculous Medal Shrine in Philadelphia.
What Can We Learn From Our Roads to Emmaus and Damascus?
by John Freund, CM | Apr 17, 2020 | Formation, Reflections
We can learn much from those who wrestled with the upheavals in their lives as recorded in our family album called the Acts of the Apostles.