
Returning to the Sources

“The up-to-date renewal of the religious life comprises both a constant return to the sources of the whole of the Christian life and to the primitive inspiration of the institutes, and their adaptation to the changed conditions of our time.” This verse from Vatican...

“Where God Wants us” of P. Rolando Gutierrez is available for free download

For some months we have been working with a team of translators and collaborators to be able to offer everyone the possibility of having at hand the book “Where God Wants Us.” Today, after a long journey, we are launching the Spanish, English, Italian and French...

The Joy of Mission from the Perspective of the Vincentian Family

I am a student for the Congregation of the Mission (Province of Brazil) and am a participant in this marvelous reality that is being promoted by the International Office of the Vincentian Family and FAVILA: the Vincentian Confraternities.

Happy Women’s Day: Check out “Herstory” on .famvin

Click to read all articles tagged "herstory"here on .famvin!   Herstory[1.Jane Mills, "Womanwords: a dictionary of words about women", 1992, ISBN 0-02-921495-5, p. 118] : history (knowledge obtained by inquiry) written from a feminist perspective, emphasizing the...
Matthew 25: A Vincentian Life Process

Matthew 25: A Vincentian Life Process

“A process for Christian Life, a practical way to respond lovingly to the God who first loved us." You may have heard the expression “a Matthew 25 Christian,” referring to someone who emphasizes the Last Judgment in her approach to the faith. This approach takes the...