
The Essence of Vincentian Collaboration: A Legacy of Unity and Service #famvin2024

Vincentian Collaboration is a fundamental dimension of the Vincentian Family, rooted deeply in the history and mission of its founders, St. Vincent de Paul and St. Louise de Marillac.

Questionnaire on Synodality and the Charism of St. Vincent de Paul #famvin2024

This questionnaire serves as a guide for a reflection on synodality in light of the charism of St. Vincent de Paul, seeking to inspire actions that strengthen communion, participation and mission in the Church.

Walking Together: How the SSVP Embodies Synodality in Communion, Participation, and Mission #famvin2024

Dr Greg Ryan shared a lively and thought-provoking session on synodality at the National UK Meeting of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP), also valid for any other Vincentian branch.

Synodality: A Shared Path with the Poor at the Heart of the Church #famvin2024

The article entitled “The Poor in a Synodal Church” by Juan Pablo García Maestro, OSST, discusses the importance of synodality in the Church and how it should focus especially on the poor.