family issues

For All You Foodies

Foodies see life differently. I confess, I am one. This reflection caught my attention. It's about family and community. Heather Gordon-Young is a Canadian writer who lives on the west coast of British Columbia. She is the Executive Director of a not-for-profit social...

Vincentian Families: #IamVincent

Vincentian Families need to take note of Pope Francis' Amoris Laetitia from a particular point of view. One of the founding members of the works of the Center for FaithJustice and it's "worX" programs, Mike Laskey continues to reflect his Holy Cross and Vincentian...

Love in the Family – Advice to and from bishops

For weeks now the opposing camps have been trying to fathom what Pope Francis was about to say in anticipation of his document on family life. No doubt the discussion will continue now that it has been released. [Vatican summary of the document] [US Bishops resource...

Pope – Family is first place we learn to communicate

The family is the first place we learn to communicate, families teach us to go out of ourselves and encounter others.

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