It has been a journey from Trinity as a puzzle to Trinity as a model for my life.
Reflecting on the Eucharist in a Vincentian Context
by Famvin Media Resources | October 13, 2023 | Formation | 0 Comments
Based on a portion of the article “Love is Creative Even to Infinity: On the Eucharist in the Vincentian Tradition,” by Fr. Robert Maloney, CM, that appeared in the publication Vincentiana.
Trinity – Problem To Be Solved Or Mystery to be Lived
by John Freund, CM | May 28, 2021 | Formation, Reflections, Vincentian Family | 3 Comments
For me, it has been a journey from thinking of the Trinity as a puzzle to be solved to realizing the Trinity is a model for my life.
Recognizing the Body Of Christ Today
by John Freund, CM | June 12, 2020 | Formation, Reflections, Vincentian Family | 1 Comment
Gradually I became aware of the Body of Christ frozen in time in Michelangelo’s masterpiece, The Pieta.
Corpus Christi and the Case for Change
by John Freund, CM | June 10, 2020 | Formation, Reflections, Systemic change | 1 Comment
As you prepare to celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi, have you ever thought of how it provides the underpinnings for systemic change?
Does Eucharist Call For Confronting Sinful Structures?
by John Freund, CM | Jun 19, 2019 | Formation, Reflections, Systemic change
Does Eucharist call for confronting sinful structures? To some, the question may sound strange, especially when we...
The (Not So) Hidden Costs of the Eucharist
by John Freund, CM | Feb 8, 2019 | Formation, Reflections
Does our self-centered focus on what God does for us in the Eucharist blind us to what God asks us to do in the Eucharist?
The Eucharist in Vincentian Tradition
by John Freund, CM | Apr 2, 2015 | Spirituality and Spiritual Practice, Vincentian Family
“The Eucharist in the Vincentian Tradition – Love is Creative unto Infinity”
Eucharist commits us to the poor
by John Freund, CM | Jul 19, 2014 | Society of St. Vincent de Paul
THE EUCHARIST COMMITS US TO THE POOR – This is the title of article 1397 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The text is a quote from St. John Chrysostom,
archbishop of Constantinople, a Church Father from the fourth century.
Corpus Christi – Reflections in a Vincentian Context
by John Freund, CM | Jun 21, 2014 | Spirituality and Spiritual Practice, Vincentian Family
Do you wish to honor Christ’s body? Then do not look down upon him when you notice him naked among the poor
Busted Halo on the Eucharist
by John Freund, CM | Jun 10, 2014 | Spirituality and Spiritual Practice
Sacraments 201 Eucharist.'s introduction to the Sacraments series continues as Fr. Steven Bell, CSP, answers more questions about what Catholics believe about the Eucharist and receiving Communion: How does the bread and wine become the body and blood...
Saturday Study Hall – “Love creative unto infinity”
by John Freund, CM | Apr 18, 2014 | Formation
Within our Vincentian Family, we often cite the saying of St. Vincent: “Love is creative even to infinity” as a sort of rallying cry for adaptation. But do we understand Vincent's use of the phrase? Robert Maloney CM writes... "Ordinarily, we use this citation to...