Busted Halo

Advent in Two Minutes

  Unclear about the relationship of Advent to Christmas? Christmas coming too fast? Busted Halo calls you back...   https://youtu.be/eC0FGQLBp7w What is Advent all about? How is Advent different than Christmas? In a BRAND NEW version of our classic video,...

Holy week is so rich in symbols and images!

Holy week is so rich in symbols and images!

Holy Week in Two Minutes

Busted Halo’s® two-minute video”Holy Week in Two Minutes” describes the final week of Lent

Busted Halo – Go into the Desert for Lent

During this season of Lent, you are invited into the desert: a quiet place, with less of us and more of God.

Holy Week in Two Minutes

Busted Halo’s®  has added another two-minute video that describes the final week of Lent we spend preparing for Easter. You can download this video . (Depending on your browser, clicking this link might save the video to your default downloads location or open the...

How to use Facebook for prayer

Yet another top ten list for Pope

Mike Hayes writes on Busted Halo... "I watched as Pope Francis emerged on the balcony last March and bowed his head, asking the crowd to pray for him. I was taken aback at the new Holy Father’s humble gesture. Not only could you hear a pin drop in St. Peter’s Square...

How to use Facebook for prayer

March Madness – “Papal moments” version

Who would have thought of creating a tournament based on choosing the most highly rated moments during Pope Francis' first year? Why the folks at Busted Halo! Just in time for Pope Francis’ one year anniversary as pope and the madness of march, we (the folks at Busted...

How to use Facebook for prayer

Ash Wednesday, Lent – in two minutes

Looking for a quick way to explain Ash Wednesday to your friends? Look no further than Busted Halo’s® two-minute video that describes the day which begins the season of Lent, and why Catholics and many Christians receive ashes on their foreheads. First released for...