
Trafficking and a Pentecost Novena

Pentecost Novena and Trafficking - Raise your awareness as you journey in prayer with victims and advocates in countries around the world to stop human trafficking. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9

Bishop’s to push immigration reform 5/29

Cathlolics Confront Global Poverty writes... "In a powerful witness of solidarity, Pope Francis celebrated mass last July on the island of Lampedusa off the coast of Italy, a port of entry for many migrants escaping hardship in the Middle East and Africa. In his...

SVDP Australia – Budget is cruel, forcing deeper poverty

You don't build people up by putting them down. ST Vincent de Paul Society Australia Chief Executive, Dr John Falzon, says this Budget is deeply offensive to the people for whom every day is already a battle. "The government would like us to believe that this Budget...

Pope Francis – Redistribution of wealth

Catholic Online ( headlines... Pope Francis called for governments to do their part to aid the poor by redistributing wealth in a spirit of generosity. Pope Francis made the plea on Friday during a speech to U.N. Secretary General Ban Kai Moon. Below...

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