
Vincentian Megaphone for Social Justice

Vincentian Megaphone for Social Justice – Capwiz: SVdP’s On-line Voice of the Poor

“Nuns on the Bus” vs the Koch brothers

“Nuns on the Bus” vs the Koch brothers. According to RNS This time it’s the Catholic sisters versus the Koch brothers.

“Weeping over the state of labor”

“Weeping over the state of labor.” As the United States and Canada celebrate Labor Day here is something to think about from an article “A church that embraces the cross must embrace politics”

Vincentian Family seeks collaboration for children fleeing violence

"Surely, the Lord hears the cry of the Poor. Our job is to make Congress hear it too" writes Giulio Grecchi of the SVDP Voice of the Poor Committee The humanitarian crisis at our Southern Border, while overshadowed in the news by recent violent events elsewhere,...

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