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When Popes and Presidents meet

It has happened 27 times! The United States Catholic Conference blog catalogs each occurrance. “President Obama’s upcoming meeting with Pope Francis at the Vatican, March 27, marks the 28th time  a sitting U.S. President has met with a pope. The meetings,...

Where do homeless go after surgery?

A problem most of us have never thought about. But one that the folks at Depaul House in Germantown PA have. Helen Ubinas, Daily News Columnist writes … In every emergency room in every hospital in Philadelphia, doctors treat ailing homeless men and women, and...
“End Hunger Fast”

“End Hunger Fast”

This Lent, remember those who go without food – and help us tackle hunger This is the appeal from the Church Poverty website in the United Kingdom. The following contains much food for thought (pun intended) for people outside the United Kingdom and seems to enter...