Vincentian Places

Places of Frederic Ozanam 5 – La Sorbonne (University of Paris)

Between November 1831 and August 1836, when he received his law degree, Frédéric Ozanam was a university student at the Sorbonne in the famous Latin Quarter. Later, in 1841, Frederic accepted a teaching position there.

Places of Frederic Ozanam 4 – Rome

Frederic and Amelie Ozanam honeymooned in Italy, visiting Naples, Sicily, and Rome. “The highlight of their first marital adventure was the pilgrimage to Rome, where they had a special audience with the current pope, Gregory XVI.”

Places of Frederic Ozanam 3 – Florence

When Ozanam was 20 years old he visited Florence, which “profoundly influenced his life, teaching, and scholarship.” Years later he returned to speak to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s conference in Florence (January 1853).

Places of Frederic Ozanam 2 – Lyon

Lyon was the city that Ozanam would always call home. He was raised there from the age of 3-1/2 years until he left to study Law in Paris.

Places of Frederic Ozanam 4 – Rome

Places of Frederic Ozanam 1 – Milan

On April 23, 1813, Antoine Frédéric Ozanam was born in Milan, where his family lived for three more years before moving away. Seventeen years later, during a visit to Milan, Ozanam, filled with enthusiasm, revisited his birthplace and the church where he was baptized, renewing his vows and expressing gratitude to God.