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Justice and Peace
The Cost of “Preferential Option for the Poor”
by John Freund, CM | December 4, 2020 | Formation, Justice and Peace, Reflections, Vincentian Family | 0 Comments
Forty years ago, four women gave their lives as part of their preferential option for the poor. Read their own words. It should take just about 40 seconds.
Les Miserables – Vincentian Influences and Reflections
by John Freund, CM | November 27, 2020 | Formation, Justice and Peace, Reflections | 1 Comment
Les Miserables strikes a chord in Vincentians when they hear… To love another person is to see the face of God. Victor Hugo admired Vincent de Paul. He based the character of the Bishop on Vincent de Paul.
Voting As a Sacred Act: Prayer and Reflections
by John Freund, CM | October 28, 2020 | Formation, Justice and Peace, Reflections, Systemic change | 0 Comments
Together, let us join in prayer each day for peaceful and just elections using this prayer and reflection.
Pope Francis’ Encyclical Read as a Puzzle
by John Freund, CM | October 7, 2020 | Formation, Justice and Peace, Reflections | 3 Comments
In a beautiful document on the call to human community, Pope Francis offers the “Good Samaritan” as a lens through which we can look at the many serious problems of a polarized and insensitive world.

Les Miserables – Vincentian Influences and Reflections
by John Freund, CM | Nov 27, 2020 | Formation, Justice and Peace, Reflections
Les Miserables strikes a chord in Vincentians when they hear… To love another person is to see the face of God. Victor Hugo admired Vincent de Paul. He based the character of the Bishop on Vincent de Paul.

Voting As a Sacred Act: Prayer and Reflections
by John Freund, CM | Oct 28, 2020 | Formation, Justice and Peace, Reflections, Systemic change
Together, let us join in prayer each day for peaceful and just elections using this prayer and reflection.

Pope Francis’ Encyclical Read as a Puzzle
by John Freund, CM | Oct 7, 2020 | Formation, Justice and Peace, Reflections
In a beautiful document on the call to human community, Pope Francis offers the “Good Samaritan” as a lens through which we can look at the many serious problems of a polarized and insensitive world.
A Hometown Success Story
by Fr. Michael Carroll, CM | Sep 10, 2020 | Formation, Homelessness, Justice and Peace, Reflections
“More than 95% of those who cycle through [Project HOME]… have never again returned to life on the streets— a success rate that has made the program a model for dozens of other U.S. cities.”
A Reflection on Recent Events in Our Country
by John Freund, CM | Sep 4, 2020 | Formation, Justice and Peace, Reflections, Systemic change
Michael Thompson, Bowie, MD, an affiliate of the Daughters of Charity, Province of St. Louise, USA offers his personal reflections on recent events in our country.
A Refresher Course – Homelessness and the Vincentian Family
by Fr. Michael Carroll, CM | Sep 3, 2020 | Formation, Homelessness, Justice and Peace, Reflections
A refresher course about the Vincentian Family Homeless Alliance – What is the Famvin Homeless Alliance? Its Roots – Collaborative work of the Vincentian Family 400 Years Ago – Updates
Praying for All Creation
by John Freund, CM | Aug 26, 2020 | Formation, Justice and Peace, Reflections, Systemic change
Throughout a month-long celebration, the world’s 2.2 billion Christians come together to care for our common home.
A Saint Speaks To America From His Heart
by John Freund, CM | Jul 6, 2020 | Formation, Justice and Peace, Reflections
I suspect you will feel moved, proud, and challenged by the words of Pope Saint John Paul II.
What Are Elements Of Structural Racism?
by John Freund, CM | Jun 17, 2020 | Formation, Justice and Peace, Reflections, Systemic change
What might be “Socially Acceptable” and “Not Socially Acceptable” elements of “structural” racism.
Sisters Speak Out Against Racism
by Spalding Hurst | Jun 4, 2020 | Justice and Peace, News
Sisters of Charity of Nazareth delivered a statement affirming the despair being felt because voices have not been heard.
Systemic Change In a Time of National Unrest
by John Freund, CM | Jun 3, 2020 | Formation, Justice and Peace, Reflections, Systemic change
“Respect for minorities is to be considered the touchstone of social harmony and the index of the civic maturity attained by a country and its institutions” St. John Paul II
A Wide-Angle Lens On the Cries of the Poor
by John Freund, CM | May 27, 2020 | Formation, Justice and Peace, Reflections, Systemic change
The earth herself, burdened and laid waste, is among the most abandoned and maltreated of our poor; she “groans in travail” (Rom 8:22)