A Weekly Reflection with Ozanam

Christians in Public Life • A Weekly Reflection with Ozanam

You may know that in Paris —as in Lyons but for far more plausible reasons— processions are forbidden; but, as some disrupters like Catholicism to be enclosed in the temples of the great cities, this is no reason why young Christians, to whom God has endowed a...

Trust in God during Times of Uncertainity • A Weekly Reflection with Ozanam

Frederic placed every aspect of his life in the hands of God, including his uncertainty with regard to the future.

In the Mist of Crisis, “Seek First the Justice of God” • A Weekly Reflection with Ozanam

As in the days of Frederic, more than 150 years ago, our society is suffering a turbulent period of crisis and wars that discourage us.

To Be With The People In Word And Work • A Weekly Reflection with Ozanam

Let us put aside our repugnancies and resentments in order to return to that democracy, to that people who do not know us.