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Contemplation: Erasing the Old Divisions

Frédéric Ozanam emphasized that the Society of St. Vicent de Paul should remain free from political debates, focusing instead on charity and unity, believing that faith and service could transcend political divisions. While acknowledging natural political disagreements, he encouraged seeking common ground and prioritizing acts of love and service over ideological disputes.

Sons and Daughters of the Father; Brothers and Sisters

Jesus makes known the Father who is full of mercy and is kind. He wants all those who hear him to live as true sons and daughters of the Father.

A Long Loving Look … At Ourselves

Contemplation was something I had difficulty relating to. That is until I first came across the Jesuit Walter Burghardt’s description. “Contemplation is taking a long, loving look at the real.”

A Vincentian View: By God’s Grace

Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians has one powerful line that has defined my self-awareness for most of my life.  “By God’s grace, I am what I am.” 

Sons and Daughters of the Father; Brothers and Sisters

Fish alongside Our Master, Jesus

Jesus is the Word of God that bears fruit and carries out all the tasks it receives.  To listen to it means to catch plenty of fish.  Simon who catches fish for a living, shows that he is glad to receive Jesus.  He lets him get into his boat and use it as a pulpit....