Recent updates:



A new house in Belize in honor of Sister Evelyn

A lay missionary group traveled to Belize in February under the guidance of Sister Luke Boiarski, SCN to build a home, in Sister Evelyn’s honor, for Dorla and her 6-year-old grandson, Tephawn. 

Charity Earth Network: Webinar April 19

The Charity Earth Network invites you to a webinar, “Charity Votes Earth: Bringing Earth’s Cries to the 2024 Electoral Season.”

Central African Republic – Rich in diamonds and very poor

Talking to us is sister Elvira Tutolo, a missionary nun of Saint Jeanne Antide Thouret.

Invitation to participate in the VII CIF for the Vincentian Family

The CIF awaits you to spend a time of hospitality, prayer, formation and brotherhood in the month of May.