
Interview with Joe Agostino, Coordinator of the Vincentian Family Office [Video]

Father Joseph Agostino, coordinator of the Vincentian Family Office, visited Brazil and gave Ozanam TV this exclusive interview.

Meeting of the Vincentian Family in Botswana

On October 12, 2019, the Vincentian Family in Botswana met at Divine Mercy Parish in Metsemotlabe.

Leavenworth Sisters Honor Volunteer

Richard Sack takes to heart the Gospel invitation to serve others. Because of this, he volunteers in prisons, in his church and in other settings in the Leavenworth community where he lives.

Saint Vincent de Paul, the Most Searched Saint on Google

This week, the Catholic website “Aleteia” published a list of the twelve most searched saints on Google. Saint Vincent was the most popular saint.

2021 Catholic Social Ministry Gathering

2021 Catholic Social Ministry Gathering

Join us at this year’s virtual gathering of U.S. Catholic social ministry leaders organized by the Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development, 10 USCCB departments, and 18 national Catholic organizations!

What most do not know about the new Vincentian Cardinal

What most do not know about the new Vincentian Cardinal

“Despite the horrors of prison and solitary confinement, I found it transformative. It led to a spiritual rebirth for me. I had nothing, literally nothing, in solitary, so I cried out to the Lord from the depths of my being. I truly felt the presence of Jesus in those dark days.”