Justice and Peace

Pope Francis – Iraq Day of Prayer

Pope Francis, followed by various episcopal conferences, has called for a day of prayer Friday August 22, the feast of the Queenship of Mary.

A Daughter of Charity at the Border – final

My last week on the border was frenetic as I tried to wrap up my legal work and bring closure to my side projects.

Catechism of business ethics – A point of departure

Many people would have difficulty putting those two concepts together – a catechism and a point of departure … especial with regard to business ethics.
After all “catechisms” have often been used as cudgle to convict one as unorthodox.

A Vincentian view of rioting and protests

The death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri and subsequent rioting is creating national headlines. Of course the phenomenon of rioting is occurring all over the world. And it is not a new phenomenon. What might be a Vincentian view of rioting and protests?

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