
Advent from a Vincentian Perspective, Part 5: Advent: A Time for Conversion and Solidarity with the Poor

For Vincentians, this time is particularly significant, as it invites personal conversion and a renewed commitment to justice and solidarity with the poor.

Contemplation: A Fine Soul

Blessed Frédéric and his wife Amélie Soulacroix exemplified a deep, shared holiness that enriched their lives and inspired their service to the poor through the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Their marriage, built on faith, mutual encouragement, and love, not only strengthened Frédéric in his vocation but also fostered Amélie’s Vincentian spirit, as they worked together to bring comfort and relief to those in need.

How Long Until Christmas?

I suspect many of our parents remember how often we asked the question. “How how long until Christmas”? I remember I could hardly wait for the gifts!

Advent from a Vincentian Perspective, Part 4: Mary: Model of Service and Surrender in Advent

At the heart of this season, we find the figure of Mary, whose journey of faith and surrender to God’s plan serves as a powerful model for our own spiritual lives.

Admire the Thoughts and Ways of God

Admire the Thoughts and Ways of God

Jesus makes known to us God, who is good to all and has mercy on all he has made, and whose thoughts and ways we are to admire. The landowner is good to the jobless.  But there are those who, rather than admire him, grumble.  These are the ones who have worked for...

Admire the Thoughts and Ways of God

Reach by Grace the Unreachable Star

Jesus is not of the world.  Nor are his true disciples.  They get to reach what we who are humans find hard to reach. There is no doubt that the way Jesus teaches is not the same as others’ way.  For he teaches with authority, not as the scribe.  Also, there is such a...