
A Vincentian View: Saints and Souls

Each of the days that introduce the month of November—All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day—brings a different word to my mind. 

Changing Our Clocks, Fast-forwards and Do-overs

Changing Clocks! It is a semi-annual ritual in many parts of the world. I suspect most of us sleep through it.

Fire up Our Whole Selves with Love

Jesus makes known by words and deeds that we cannot love God without loving our neighbor.  We Christians seek to fire up ourselves with love. The Church asks us today to keep watch. For we do not know the day or the hour when the Son of Man will come back. And to keep...

Vincentian Prayer Images – Art By Vincentians 29

Share your thoughts on a weekly image of artwork made by members of the Vincentian Family.

Feed Other Humans First of All

Feed Other Humans First of All

Jesus seeks to feed us with his body and blood, so that we may have life to the full.  He loves us, yes, to the end. For sure, the thirty pieces of silver cannot but feed even more Judas Iscariot’s greed.  But does the traitor sell Jesus for a trifle, asking no high...

Feed Other Humans First of All

Dead to Sin and Living for God in Christ

Jesus is the resurrection and the life.  Those who believe in him, though they die, will not stay dead.  In him they will live for God and be dead to sin. There cannot be dead folks among those who believe in Jesus.  This flies in the face of my sorrow due to the...

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