
To Grieve with the Evils of the Poor • A Weekly Reflection with Ozanam

[If so are now] the evils, not of a single district, but of several districts of Paris; not only in Paris but in Lyon, in Rouan, and in all the manufacturing cities of the North, [...] imagine what winter will bring, when the hardness of the station suspends the...

If Moccasins Could Speak!

Have you ever walked a mile in another’s moccasins? … in the moccasins of their sufferings?

A Vincentian View: Francis de Sales

Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac both held Saint Francis de Sales in high esteem. 

The Church of Corinth – is the Past Prologue?

In “The Tempest,” Shakespeare wrote, “What’s past is prologue!” Antonio is rationalizing the past as setting the stage for their next act, as a prologue does in a play.

Lift up the Son of Man on the Cross

Lift up the Son of Man on the Cross

Those in power lift up Jesus on the wood of the cross.  In letting them do so, he proves true his word that God so loves the world that he gives his only Son, so that those who believe in him may have eternal life.  The Lord tells Moses to lift up on a pole a serpent...